Swinging with Stick Control

With this lesson, we use the Stick Control Single Beat Combinations pages to develop our swing/shuffle feel. We start with the first 12 exercises, playing one bar in straight 8ths and then swinging in 8th note triplets, keeping the same sticking. Repeat the bar at least eight times and then move to the next exercise, starting slowly and gradually increasing the tempo. Once comfortable with the first 12 exercises, let’s move with all 72 combinations. Take your time and let the swing roll!

As further suggestions, you can play the exercises with the brushes on the snare, playing the bass drum in 4 and the left foot hi-hat on 2 and 4. Here’s the PDF with the first 12 exercises; the same concept can be easily applied to all combinations.


swinging with stick control drum exercise

* Note that all these combinations are written for this lesson in 4/4, while the original pages from Stick Control are in 2/2.

Check out my previous lessons based on Stick Control interpretations. Elevate your drumming!

Stick Control – Accent Workout

In the previous months, I shared some exercises using Stick Control by G. L. Stone to play different accent combinations (single, double, and triple), using the famous pages Single Beat…

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